We are always aware our main obligation to you is to preserve your capital. We pursue growth within this mandate. We are pleased to report the model portfolio described above has achieved a return of 9.22% in 2012, with the three-year average being 7.82%.
The old version is still visible in the Google cache here, but from the 2nd Jan it now said this instead.
We are always aware our main obligation to you is to preserve your capital.We pursue growth within this mandate. We are pleased to report the model portfolio described above has achieved a return of 10.71% in 2012, with the three-year average return being 8.28%.More importantly, $100,000 fully invested in our model on Jan. 1, 2010 has grown to $126,225.93, a 3 year compound annual return of 8.74%.

So how does this work we wonder? ..got the maths wrong the first time or what? :)
..You know if it got suddenly better after 01 Jan 2013, that doesn't count right?
We are sure there is a perfectly reasonable and entirely innocent explanation, and nothing at all dodgy going on, found some stuff he'd forgotten about or something.
Here's a screenshot of the Jan 01 results in case anyone wants co compare and see where they found an extra 1.5% overnight on 01-01-2012.
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